DeLange Seed Local Wheat Plot Tour – K-state Research & Extension Harvey County


Everyone is invited to attend and learn about the latest news on wheat varieties in our area. This year we will have two plot tours on one day, Friday June 1st.

The first tour stop will start at 3:00 pm at 8600 S Hillside. Directions – from the corner of K-196 and South Hillside, go South 1 ¼ mile, east side of the road.

At 6:00 PM will be the wheat plot dinner at Camp Hawk, 1801 SW 36th, Newton.  Then on to the KSU/DeLange wheat plot following dinner. That plot is located at SW 48th and Meridian ¾ south of the intersection.

The speakers from Kansas State University Extension for the tours will be Doug Shoup, KSU Crops and Soil Specialist; Eric DeWolf, Extension wheat and pathology specialist and Romulo Pisa Lollato, Extension wheat & forage production specialist.

The other speaker is Steve Ahring, agronomist from DeLange Seed.

They will provide information on wheat variety comparisons and much more information.

This in an excellent opportunity for you to see the new wheat varieties and compare the established varieties growing in Harvey County. Mark your calendars and plan on a fun time at out Wheat Plot Tour!

If you plan on attending the meal please give us a call at the extension office 316-284-6930 and let us know that you will be attending the event by May 29th.



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