Crop Production


Winter Wheat Production Down 25 Percent from 2016
Orange Production Up 1 Percent from April

Winter wheat production is forecast at 1.25 billion bushels, down 25 percent

from 2016. As of May 1, the United States yield is forecast at 48.8 bushels
per acre, down 6.5 bushels from last year’s record yield of 55.3 bushels per


Hard Red Winter production, at 737 million bushels, is down 32 percent from
year ago. Soft Red Winter, at 297 million bushels, is down 14 percent from
2016. White Winter, at 212 million bushels, is down 13 percent from last
year. Of the White Winter production, 16.8 million bushels are Hard White
195 million bushels are Soft White.

The United States all orange forecast for the 2016-2017 season is
5.16 million tons, up 1 percent from last month but down 15 percent from the

2015-2016 final utilization. The Florida all orange forecast, at
68.0 million boxes (3.06 million tons), is up 1 percent from last month but
down 17 percent from last season’s final utilization. Early, midseason, and
Navel varieties in Florida are forecast at 33.0 million boxes
(1.49 million tons), unchanged from last month but down 9 percent from last
season’s final utilization. The Florida Valencia orange forecast, at
35.0 million boxes (1.58 million tons), is up 3 percent from last month but
down 23 percent from last season’s final utilization.

Florida frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) yield forecast for the
2016-2017 season is 1.41 gallons per box at 42.0 degrees Brix, down 1
from last month but unchanged from last season’s final yield of
1.41 gallons per box. The early and midseason portion is final at
1.34 gallons per box, down 1 percent from last season’s final yield of
1.35 gallons per box. The Valencia portion is projected at
1.53 gallons per box, down 1 percent from last month but up 4 percent from
last year’s final yield of 1.47 gallons per box. All projections of yield
assume the processing relationships this season will be similar to those of
the past several seasons.

This report was approved on May 10, 2017.

Secretary of Agriculture


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