Cover Crop Field Day set for May 25 at K-State HB Ranch near Hays


Researchers will discuss cover crop management options in dryland wheat-based systems.

HAYS, Kan. – Growing cover crops to enhance soil quality and nutrient cycling and suppress weeds and pests as part of a wheat production system is increasingly being considered by producers, but the water requirements pose a concern for growers in western Kansas.

Kansas State University researchers have been evaluating cover crop management options in water-limited environments and will discuss their findings at a Cover Crop Field Day on Friday, May 25 at the K-State HB Ranch near Hays.

The day includes presentations by K-State faculty, growers and government officials.

  • K-State cover crop research – John Holman, K-State agronomist.
  • Cover crop plot tour – Augustine Obour, K-State agronomist.
  • Cover crops and beneficial insects – J.P. Michaud, K-State entomologist.
  • On-farm cover crop research update- Meagan Schipanski, Colorado State University agronomist.
  • Cover crops and soil health – Dale Younker, USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  • Grazing cover crops – Sandy Johnson, K-State animal scientist.

The field day and tour starts at 9:30 a.m. at K-State’s HB Ranch. A complimentary lunch is included. The ranch is four miles south of the Cedar Bluff Dam on Kansas Highway 147. Attendees are asked to RSVP by May 23 to Milissa Alexander at 785-625-3425 or [email protected].


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