USDA NASS Colorado Agricultural Prices Report




        P.O. BOX 150969 · Lakewood, CO  80215-9696


Contact: Bill Meyer

August 28, 2020                                                                  (800) 392-3202




Prices Received – Mountain Region States and United States: July 2020 with Comparisons

State July 2019 June 2020 July 2020
Barley, All (dollars per bushel) (dollars per bushel) (dollars per bushel)
 Colorado ……………………….. (D) 5.21 5.29
 Montana ………………………… 3.55 3.71 3.90
 Wyoming ……………………….  (D)                        (S)                        (D)
 United States ………………….. 4.69 4.57 4.66

Colorado ………………………..







 United States ………………….. 4.16 3.16 3.21
Wheat, All

Arizona ………………………….







 Colorado ……………………….. 4.27 4.35 4.23
 Montana ………………………… 4.71 4.66 4.64
 United States ………………….. 4.52 4.56 4.54
Hay, Alfalfa (dollars per ton) (dollars per ton) (dollars per ton)
 Arizona ………………………….                  190.00 185.00 175.00
 Colorado ………………………..                  230.00 225.00 225.00
 Montana …………………………                  150.00 125.00 125.00
 New Mexico …………………..                  235.00 220.00 215.00
 Utah ………………………………                  180.00 175.00 185.00
 Wyoming ……………………….                  170.00 180.00 170.00
 United States …………………..                  183.00 179.00 174.00
Hay, Other

Arizona ………………………….







 Colorado ………………………..                  230.00 230.00 230.00
 Montana …………………………                  145.00 130.00 130.00
 New Mexico …………………..                  180.00 170.00 170.00
 Utah ………………………………                  145.00 115.00 115.00
 Wyoming ……………………….                  140.00 145.00 145.00
 United States …………………..                  134.00 128.00 137.00
Milk, All (dollars per hundredweight) (dollars per hundredweight) (dollars per hundredweight)
 Arizona ………………………….                    18.40 15.60 16.30
 Colorado ………………………..                    18.80 15.10 17.00
 New Mexico …………………..                    17.20 16.50 19.10
 Utah ………………………………                    18.20 17.10 19.70
 United States …………………..                    18.70 18.10 20.50

(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.

(S)  Insufficient number of reports to establish an estimate.

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July Prices Received Index Down 2.0 Percent


The July Prices Received Index 2011 Base (Agricultural Production), at 87.4, decreased 2.0 percent from June and 4.3 percent from July 2019. At 90.0, the Crop Production Index was down 2.0 percent from last month but up 0.9 percent from the previous year. The Livestock Production Index, at 84.5, decreased 2.5 percent from June, and 9.8 percent from July last year. Producers received higher prices during July for milk, market eggs, potatoes, and corn but lower prices for cattle, broilers, hogs, and oranges. In addition to prices, the indexes are influenced by the volume change of commodities producers market. In July, there was increased monthly movement for grapes, wheat, hay, and tomatoes and decreased marketing of milk, oranges, cattle, and strawberries.


July Prices Paid Index Up 0.5 Percent


The July Prices Paid Index for Commodities and Services, Interest, Taxes, and Farm Wage Rates (PPITW), at 109.7, is up 0.5 percent from June 2020 but down 0.8 percent from July 2019. Higher prices in July for feeder cattle, other services, herbicides, and milk cows more than offset lower prices for nitrogen, potash and phosphate, concentrates, and LP gas.


For the full copy of Agricultural Prices report please visit For state specific questions please contact:


              Arizona – Dave DeWalt   1-800-645-7286
              Colorado – William R. Meyer   1-800-392-3202
              Montana – Eric Sommer   1-800-835-2612
              New Mexico – Longino Bustillos   1-800-530-8810
              Utah – John Hilton   1-800-747-8522
              Wyoming – Rhonda Brandt   1-800-892-1660


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