Fall Forestry Field Day scheduled for October 13


2016 Fall Forestry Field Day is scheduled for October 13 on the Ammons Butler County Tree Farm, not far from Towanda. The 2015 Forest Stewardship Tree Farmer of the Year Award winner, Cal Ammons, will share his love of the land that he has shown as he has improved the health of his woodlands through thinning operations, remover lower quality, invasive species to encourage more valuable walnut and oaks. Cal has planted thousands of trees for different purposes includes a pecan plantation for nut production. Cal’s Ammons Butler County Tree Farm is the perfect setting for Bill Reid, nationally-recognized expert on pecan production, to lead session on stabling and managing pecan nut production. Other foresters, wildlife biologist and other natural resource professionals will provide educational session throughout the day including sawmill demonstrations. There is a $12 registration fee. Registration forms are available at www.kansasforests.org by clicking on “News & Events” or by calling the Kansas Forest Service at 785-532-3310. Brochures will also be mailed directly to recipients of the Kansas Canopy in late September or early October


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