Technology on the Farm event is February 11


On Thursday February 11, 2016, 7 p.m. at the Coronado Quivira Museum, Matt Stafford, Pride Ag Resources/Ace Hardware Lyons Store Manager, will present a video showing the future of farming in light of technology. The video was made by John Deere and depicts what farming may look like in another 50 years. In the video, a farmer wakes up and goes to a touch screen monitor to read the news, see grain prices and look at the local weather.   After the video, audience members will be asked to comment on how realistic the information presented is.  They will be encouraged to share their insights and what they think a farm will be like in 50 years.

This presentation is the second in a series of lectures related to farming.  The lectures complement the Coronado Quivira’s “Agriculture Options” exhibit which identifies some of the choices farmers have to make.  The next lecture is on Friday, March 4.

For more information, contact the Coronado Quivira Museum, 105 West Lyon, Lyons, Kansas 67554 or (620) 257-3941.


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