Hutchinson: Gaeddert selected as Sterling College’s spring 2016 Teachers of Promise


Caleb Gaeddert of Hutchinson, Kansas, and Sean Johnson of Littleton, Colorado, have been selected as Sterling College’s spring 2016 Teachers of Promise. Each semester, two candidates who will be clinical teaching during the following year are recognized by Sterling College and the Kansas State Department of Education for their exemplary character, dedication and achievement. Gaeddert is an elementary education major, and Johnson is majoring in history education.

Criteria for the Teachers of Promise award relate to the key elements of the Sterling Teacher Education Program and include IDEAL attributes of integrity, dependability, effective communication, appropriate attitude and leadership.

“Caleb and Sean are excellent candidates for the Teachers of Promise award. Both students show passion and commitment to their work, and I know that will translate to the classroom when they start teaching. I am excited to see what the future holds for both of these young men,” said Terri Gaeddert, professor of education and director of teacher education.

C. Gaeddert and Johnson attended the Kansas Exemplary Educators Network conference, hosted by the Kansas State Department of Education, on Feb. 18 and 19 in Topeka, Kansas. During the two-day conference, they were honored for their achievement and spent time learning about state concerns for education as well as innovative teaching styles and strategies.

“It was so cool to be able to meet so many amazing teachers from around the state and to be able to connect what we are learning at Sterling College to what they are doing in their classrooms,” said Gaeddert.

Johnson agreed, “The conference provided great perspectives on teaching from some of the finest educators in the state. I am very thankful I was able to attend.”

Sterling College is a Christ-centered, four-year college located in Sterling, Kansas, with a mission to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith. For more information, visit



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