Sharing the Love – Valentine’s Day Flowers

If you’re like much of America, you’re preparing to either give or receive a bouquet of roses. Here are some care tips to get the longest-lasting arrangement.
  • Roses often come in a plastic sleeve which retains moisture. The sleeve should be removed after purchase.
  • Cut 1½ to 2 inches of each stem with a clean, sharp knife or flower snips. Uncut stems cannot efficiently absorb water needed by the flower to open fully. (Current research suggests that cutting stems under water is not necessary.)
  • Remove any leaves that will be underwater once stems are arranged in the vase.
  • Follow directions on flower food packet to mix the right amount of cold water to food ratio into the vase. Flowers need to be nourished. Professional flower food generally contains three ingredients:
    • Carbohydrate – (sugar) nutritional source
    • Acidifying agent – lowers the solution pH and improves water uptake
    • Microbiocide- reduces microbial growth
  • Arrange freshly cut stems into the vase.
Check the water level daily, repeat steps 2-5 every 2-3 days so flowers last as long as possible. Keep flowers away extreme cold, heat, direct sunlight and sources of ethylene gas (fruits and vegetables). (Irina Sheshukova)


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