Salina: Dixon, Reinert and Wilson will be on stage through the 28th


Three students from Salina are performing in KWU-SCT production of “Into the Woods”; Kenneth Dixon ’19 (Salina, KS) as the Wolf, Angel Reinert ’17 (Salina, KS) as step-sister Florinda and Jaicee Wilson ’16 (Salina, KS) as Cinderella’s Prince.

A childless baker and his wife endeavor to lift their family curse by journeying into the woods, where they encounter Rapunzel (and her witchly “mother”), Cinderella, Jack (of Beanstalk fame), Little Red Riding Hood and other classic fairy tale characters, and they all must learn the responsibility that comes with getting what you want.

“Into The Woods,” will be on stage at SCT for three weekends, April 8-24, 2016.  Tickets are available from the Salina Community Theatre box office (


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