Rose Hill Daddy Daughter Date Night


Calling all Dads! Gather up that little princess (or princesses) of yours and join us for a night of laughter, talking, dinner and best of all – dancing! This is a night for just you and your daughter. Create a lifetime of memories that only a daddy and his daughter can share.
We have an exciting night planned. Enjoy a hearty appetizer buffet, including dessert and drinks. There’s never a dull moment when you join in all the activities planned for you and your daughter. You will take home a memorable picture to cherish always and lots more!
2015 will be a NEW experience as we have a new caterer, a new menu, and new activities. Be the greatest dad ever with your daughter feeling like the luckiest girl in the world while we create a night of the best memories ever! Sorry, no Moms allowed!
Space is limited and reservations are required
Date: Saturday, February 7
Time: 6 – 8:30 pm
Location:RHRC Gym
Ages: All Ages
Fee: $33 per couple, $15 each additional daughter
Registration Deadline: Monday, February 2
Late Registration Cost: $49 per couple, $22 each additional daughter
Note: Additional picture packages available

credit: RHRC

photo credit:  Public Information Office



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