Pratt Community College Produces Highest Paid Grads in State


According to new data released by the Kansas Board of Regents, Pratt Community College students graduating with an associate’s degree between 2008 and 2012 have a higher annual wage than the average of associate’s degree and bachelor’s degree graduates in that same time from all Kansas public colleges and universities.

PCC students graduating with an associate’s degree in 2012, which is the most recent cohort with measurable post-graduation wage data, made an average of $42,276. The average of all Kansas community college graduates was $32,369 and the technical college sector had an average wage of $38,615.

2012 graduates from PCC out-earn even those with degrees from four year institutions; the average wage of 2012 public university graduates with bachelor’s degrees was $35,355. Kansas State University grads posted a wage average of $36,590, while those from the University of Kansas averaged $32,831.

The information comes as the fourth installment of data from Foresight 2020, a 10-year strategic agenda approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for the state’s public higher education system. Established in September 2010, the plan sets long-range achievement goals that are measurable, reportable, and ensures the state’s higher education system meets Kansans’ expectations. The original plan included six goals, but a redesign reduced that number to three: increase higher education attainment among Kansans, improve alignment of the state’s higher education system with the needs of the economy, and ensure state university excellence.

The report and its appendices provide data for 21 metrics, including demographics, graduation and retention rates, student success index rates, credential production, and data on graduates’ rates of employment and average earnings in Kansas.

Read more in this news release from KBOR. For more information, contact Breeze Richardson at (785) 291-3969 or [email protected].​


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