North Newton: Community Foundation Opening 2016 Grant Funding Process


The North Newton Community Foundation (NNCF), an affiliate of the Central Kansas Community Foundation (CKCF), announces the opening of its 2016 grant funding process. NNCF stated that approximately $5,900 will be awarded in 2016 through a competitive grant application process to support projects/programs in which the majority of the benefits accrue to the citizens of North Newton.

Qualified applicants must possess a 501(c)(3) status under the Internal Revenue Service code, be exempt under statute (i.e. educational institution, church, city, or county), or be formally linked to an organization with such designation.  Proposed projects/programs must be consistent with the NNCF Mission Statement which focuses on expansion of educational opportunities, cultural enrichment, and improvement of human health and the physical environment,

Grant applications can be accessed and completed online by going to the CKCF website,  Click on the “Apply Now” tab and scroll down to “Grants”.  Under “North Newton Community Foundation Grant”, click “For Additional Information: Click Here.” Instructions will appear at the top of the page.  Completed applications must be received no later than 5 P.M, Monday, April 4, 2016. If you have questions or need further information, please contact Kurt Friesen, NNCF Grant Selection Committee Chair, at, or 316-393-7963 or Chancy Gerbitz, CKCF Program Director, at or 316-283-5474.





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