Newton’s Et Cetera Shop Local Giving Fund.


In May, the Newton Et Cetera Shop granted a combined total of $26,000 through their Local Giving Fund to eleven nonprofit organizations in the Newton area. Since 2013, the Fund has granted a total of $74,000 to local nonprofits.

The organizations selected this year were the Harvey County Homeless Shelter (Newton), Sunshine Academy Learning Center (Newton), Zion Mennonite Church (Elbing), Marion Co. Fire District #2 (Goessel Fire Dept.), CASA, A Voice For Children (Newton), Harvey County Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Task Force (Newton), Newton Meals on Wheels, Offender/Victim Ministries (Newton), The Salvation Army (Newton), Trinity Heights Respite Care (Newton), and Iglesia Menonita Casa Betania (Newton).

The Et Cetera Shop, a community thrift store, began in 1976 with a mission to benefit the worldwide relief organization Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). MCC works to meet basic human needs by sending food or material goods, and funding projects in regions recovering from war and disasters. All items sold at Et Cetera Shop are donated used goods, and the majority of work is done by around 240 volunteers.


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