Newton Harvey County Fair


Harvey County Fair is less than a month away, but it will be here before you know it! I know I am very excited for fair and to see what everyone brings for exhibits. Every day I learn something new about the fair and my duties as a new Extension Agent.

This year we are trying something different that will make Open Class entries less of a headache. With Open Class entries we are assigning numbers to each exhibitor.

This is how it works: No matter how many entries you bring, you will get one unique exhibitor number. You will want to put that number on EVERY blue Open Class entry card. To get that number you should drop by the Extension Office in the basement of the County Courthouse and fill out a card with your name, address, phone number and email. Once you fill that out, you will get a number to put on the blue Open Class entry cards. There is even a new box for that number on the blue cards.

So why are we changing that? Well, it will be easier to key in all the data from the blue Open Class entry cards into our system. We won’t have to read scribbled handwriting and try to guess the name. We hopefully will have less human errors and in the end it will be quicker to enter the data.

What about one person getting Open Class entry cards for a whole group? No problem! We will give you the information cards to take with you and then once each group member has filled it out, bring it back! Once brought back we will give you the numbers. Or come to the office with everyone’s information and fill it out for them!

Come get your blue Open Class entry cards earlier and fill out the short information to get your exhibitor number ahead of time! You will not have to fill it out at the fair then when you are also trying to check in your exhibits; it will make your life easier too! If you have any questions feel free to call the office at 316-284-6930. I can’t wait to see all the Open Class exhibits at the fair!

Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183



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