Harvey County Fair seeking talented folk


Do you make the best cinnamon rolls this side of the Mississippi? Does your neighbor grow the most beautiful petunias on the block? Has your spouse always had a knack for photography? The Harvey County Fair is looking for bakers, quilters, woodworkers, home canners, crafters, photographers, gardeners and all around talented folk to have their work displayed at the fair.

Open class allows anyone to enter items into the fair to be displayed, judged, and viewed by the public.

Exhibitors in open class can be anybody of any age. Their work will be exhibited at the fair and cash prizes are awarded to some winners.

Anyone wanting to put their items in open class should pick up an Open Class Exhibitor Number at the Harvey County Extension Office and drop their items off at the fair at assigned check-in times.

To get a guide with more information about the open class categories and check in times, go to the Extension Office at the Harvey County Courthouse Room 11 (basement) or visit harvey.ksu.edu/2016fairbook.pdf – it takes a while to load, but hold on tight!


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