Agriculture News



Harvey County Fair Market Wheat Show

By: Ryan Flaming, Harvey County Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The Harvey County Fair Board, along with the Extension Ag. PDC will be conducting a county-wide Market Wheat Show at the 2019 Harvey County Fair.  Producer participation in this event is strictly voluntary.  If a producer wishes to enter, just inform the scale operator at the participating elevator.  Samples will be collected right off the truck as it comes across the scales.

The sample will be tagged with the producer’s name, address and variety on it.  All producers that are entered will be sent a postage-paid envelope with a Crop Data Card following harvest.  Simply fill out the agronomic information section of the card and drop it in the mail.  If this is done prior to July 15th, you will be entered into the Market Wheat Show.  All of the wheat entries will be judged by the Kansas Grain Inspection Service prior to the County Fair and displayed at the Fair.


A listing of Market Wheat Show criteria is as follows:

  1. Crop Data Cards are to be mailed into the Extension Office prior to July 15.  No cards or entries will be accepted after this date due to revised judging procedures.
  2. All wheat exhibits must be produced in Harvey County during the present year.
  3. All exhibits shall be COMBINE RUNS ONLY, samples shall consist of approximately 5 lbs. of wheat collected at the elevators.  If a producer has grain stored on the farm and wishes to enter, the County Agent should be notified for sample collection.
  4. Any entry which has been hand-picked or screened will be disqualified.
  5. Limitation of entries:  Each farmer is limited to one (1) entry for each variety of wheat grown on the exhibitor’s farm.  A producer is someone who is recognized by the FSA (Farm Service Agency) as a producer within the county.
  6. All samples will be graded by the Kansas Grain Inspection Service in prior to the County Fair.
  7. Premiums will be awarded for 1st through 3rd places for each class.  In case of a tie, premiums will be added together and divided by the number of tying entrants.

Samples will be judged by the following criteria:

Protein……………………………………………………………………….225 Points

Test Weight…………………………………………………………………200 Points

Dockage………………………………………………………………………200 Points               Shrunken/Broken Kernels……………………………………………100 Points

Crop Data Card………………………………………………………………25 Points

Variety/Mill-Bake………………………………………………………..250 Points               Total Possible……………………………………………………………1,000 Points

Entries will be divided into the following classes:


01: All Hard White Varieties

02: All HRW Blends: If it’s a blend (a mixture of more than one variety) it belongs in this class.

03: All Other Commercial Varieties & Hybrids

04: All Westbred/Monsanto HRW Varieties

05: All KSU HRW Varieties

06: All Other Public Varieties





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