Milton: Woolf honored by American Agri-Women


Lynn Woolf of Milton, Kan. and Kansas Agri-Women was awarded the LEAVEN Award at the The American Agri-Women  (AAW)  National Convention recently. The LEAVEN Award was first awarded in 1977.  That selection committee came up with the acronym LEAVEN (Loyalty, Enthusiasm, Anticipatory, Valiant, Effectiveness and Nurturing) to evaluate the candidates.  “Leaven” (yeast) is a small element that can interact and influence everything around it.  It permeates and raises the elements it’s mixed with.  Leaven multiplies its effectiveness for good.  AAW presents the LEAVEN Award to those persons who, to an outstanding degree, have acted as leaven, a truly feminine concept since “lady” means giver of bread.  Winners are nominated by an AAW Affiliate.

Lynn just completed her two year term as AAW Vice-President of Communications.  Her nominator explained that Lynn’s work to get the word out to the members has raised their level of understanding of the organization and that she has ensured that AAW has been seen and heard. Lynn was summed up this way. “Lynn is a visionary, She thinks of the needs of the AAW organization and the needs of others within the organization.  As VP of communications for AAW she has had a big hand in reworking and developing the brand for AAW.  She has also been involved in the over all planning for the organization.  Lynn has also been thinking of the future by recruiting and encouraging other members to become involved in our organization through blogging, Facebooking and writing for the Voice.”

Lynn is managing editor of Rural Lifestyle Dealer magazine and is public relations chair for Kansas Agri-Women. She and her husband, Vaughn, and children, Elizabeth and Daniel, raise wheat and soybeans on their farm in Milton, Kan.

“It means so much to me to receive the LEAVEN award. The women of AAW have done so much to inspire me and make me a better advocate. I value their friendships and being part of such an amazing organization,” says Lynn Woolf.


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