McPherson: ReUse It Center Goal #3


The first goal of the ReUse It Center in McPherson was to sell new and used donated building materials at a reasonable price to people who could use them.  Those recipients would be anyone. Although the persons on the original planning group from First Mennonite Church, McPherson, who envisioned this idea have a strong missions emphasis and talk and act to help others, we realized that we didn’t even know anyone who lived in the trailer park or anyone who couldn’t get a job or those from another race or cultural background.  We didn’t know the “who” coming to shop at our new county-wide ministry.  A great widening experience was before us when the ReUse It Center opened its doors in 2011 to ALL. Soon another goal was added – building relationships with all sectors of McPherson County society and beyond.

ReUse It Center volunteers sign up because they see this ministry as helping others. They soon discover an additional benefit – learning from others as we interact with them. Volunteers even get to visit a bit with shoppers and donors as they explore all the merchandise  – appliances, lighting, lumber, tools, flooring, furniture, antiques —  and sometimes hear about the personal challenges visitors face.

Relationship building – a very important part of our ministry here at your McPherson County ReUse It Center.

ReUse It Center is a unique place for giving, buying, interacting, connecting, and blessing for those who volunteer and get to build relationships with those who work or shop or donate.  Come be a part of this community at 1060 W. Kansas, McPherson, 620-245-0122  Open Tues 12-4, Thurs 4-8, Sat 9-4.  Volunteers are so appreciated!



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