Local FFA members earn Ford Trucks/Built Ford Tough Scholarships


Inman: – Local FFA members were among the 71 Kansas students awarded $1,000 Ford Trucks/Built Ford Tough Scholarships during the third session of the 87th Kansas FFA State Convention on Thursday, May 28.

The Built Ford Tough FFA Scholarship Program recognizes FFA members’ talents and accomplishments while encouraging their future academic achievements.

“We’re proud to recognize these student leaders for their passion for FFA and the leadership they display in their communities and chapters,” said Chantelle Simon, Kansas FFA Association treasurer. “We thank Ford Trucks/Built Ford Tough for providing financial support for our students’ educational goals.”

This year’s local recipients are, from:  Buhler: Amber Finney, Bailey Peterson, Keli Schrag;  Centre: Nellie Kasseau; Chapman: Kaylin Fink, Bailey Stien;  Ell-Saline: Evan Morrical;  Hillsboro: Jesse Meier;  Inman: Krystan Miller; Newton: Brome Stahly;  Southeast of Saline:  Winfield: Rebekah Branch, Shea Carver.


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