Lindsborg: New scholarship announced by Bethany College President, William Jones


Bethany College President, William Jones, announced on December 1 that the college will offer tuition-free scholarships to all students graduating from a McPherson or Saline County High School for the next five years beginning in the fall of 2017. The announcement was made at an assembly at the Smoky Valley High School. Students in eighth through 12 grades were given certificates entitling them to a Bethany Good Life Scholarship valued at more than $110,000. The Bethany Good Life Scholarship is made possible through the generous donations of many of the college’s local donors. The four-year, tuition-free scholarship is available to first-time college freshmen graduating from any McPherson or Saline County high school upon acceptance into Bethany College. Recipients of the scholarship are required to live on-campus.


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