Inman: Anaplasmois Informational Meeting on November 11


Area Extension agencies will be hosting an information meeting that beef producers are encouraged to attend. Anaplasmois Informational Meeting will be held Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at the Inman community building, 105 S Main, Inman, KS.

Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek, DVM, KSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory will present the program with a Q&A time following.

Time: 6:30 P.M. Meal – sponsored by Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory college of Veterinary medicine; 7:00 PM Anaplasmosis presentation

Reservations are needed by Monday, November 9 to [email protected]  or call me at 316-284-6930.

Sponsoring agencies are Harvey County Extension, Reno County Extension, McPherson County Extension & Marion county Extension.


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