Hutchinson Regional Medical Center Update 12/30/2020


To help keep the public up-to-date on what is happening with COVID-19 and vaccinations, Hutchinson Regional Medical Center will issue periodic messages explaining the latest developments.

Today’s HRMC communication includes updates on:

  • Hospital COVID-19 Numbers
  • Vaccine Deployment Report

Hospital COVID-19-19 Numbers

As of 12/29/2020

Total Hospital Patient Census- 74

Total COVID-19 Positive Hospitalized – 20

Patients on Vents- 3

Current HRMC staff out with COVID- 15

 Vaccine Deployment

  • Hutchinson Regional Medical Center is focused on executing the vaccine plan using the guidance provided by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE).  We are working to ensure all personnel included in Phase I of the COVID Vaccination Plan are provided the opportunity to receive the vaccine.  
  • So far more than 500 front line and direct contact healthcare workers have received the first doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine was received and administered first and the group that received that vaccine is slated to receive the second dose next week between the 6th and 8th of January.  
  • The Health Department, Hutch Clinic and Hutch Regional are continuing to discuss the larger community immunization plan while standing ready to assist the commercial pharmacies in immunizing patients and staff at long-term care facilities, nursing homes and other higher-risk group home settings.  
  • We are following the guidelines from the CDC and KDHE, while also continuing to assess our specific community needs based on demographics, location and other health and social factors. 


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