Hutchinson Horticulture Club


This Saturday will be a day filled with free gardening information for homeowners and gardeners. has been scheduled for March 8. The Hutchinson Horticulture Club’s “A Gathering for Gardners” will be held at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. Which is located at 407 East Twelfth Street

It will be at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church at 407 E. 12th, just west of the Kansas Cosmosphere in Hutchinson. After missing two years because of COVID-19, the club resumed having this annual event in 2023.

If not for those two years, this would be the 36th year for this event. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. with the morning session beginning at 9 a.m.

The first topic is “Backyard Chickens”by Patrick Bergkamp, Reno County agriculture and natural resources agent with K-State Research and Extension. Since eggs are so expensive, this might be a project to contemplate. He will cover what a person should consider before purchasing chickens and starting this type of endeavor.

At 10 a.m., the topic “The Sweet Slice of Summer: Growing Tomatoes” in Kansas will be presented by Jason Graves, horticulture Extension agent for Central Kansas District with K-State Research and Extension. This presentation will cover essential tips for cultivating healthy plants, selecting top-performing varieties, and growing tomatoes for maximum flavor.  His presentation is for beginners and seasoned gardeners.

The final presentation for the morning begins at 11 o’clock. Calla Edwards, Butler County horticulture agent with K-State Research and Extension, will present “Sedums and other Succulents.”Sedums are known for using less water. In the past few years, the availability of various varieties of sedums and other succulents has increased dramatically. She will share photos of some of her favorites and give suggestions for their use in the landscape.

The afternoon programs will resume at 1 p.m. with Mike DeRee, sales representative for Ball Seed Company, presenting “The Best Annual and Perennial Plants.” He will be looking back through the years and reviewing those plants that have proven themselves as true winners to consider as potential additions to your gardens.

At 2:15 p.m., Kevin Nelson, a master gardener from Douglas County, will address “Gardening as We Age.” This presentation will make the case for the benefits of gardening and will encourage gardeners to continue well into the golden years. He’ll give examples of how to change beds, look at plant choices and tools so a seasoned gardener can still do the most with the space he or she has and the desire to do so.

There will be no charge to attend any of the “gathering for gardeners” programs although registration at the door is requested. Door prize drawings will be conducted throughout the day. This schedule is designed so individuals may attend any or all of the topics.


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