Hutchinson Adds New Street



Hutchinson’s newest street is a 1,500 foot private drive leading east of 20th and Waldron Street that is designed to improve access and traffic flow to the Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System campus.

The private drive was opened on May 8 and runs east of 20th and Waldron Street past the Chalmers Cancer Treatment Center to the hospital campus and in close proximity to the hospital’s Emergency Department. Turning lanes have been added on the Waldron Street side of the private drive to enhance traffic flow.

Kevin Miller, F.A.C.H.E., President and CEO of Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System, said the private drive is designed to alleviate the traffic flow along the Waldron Street and 17th street intersection which, at times, can be very congested.

“As Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System has expanded its medical services, the number of patients, family members and other visitors to our campus has dramatically increased,” Miller said. “This, along with the new construction on 17th Street has caused an increase in traffic in the area around our campus. Our main objective in building this private drive is to provide another access point to the hospital campus. This not only helps patients and families seeking treatment but will expedite the arrival of emergency vehicles from Hutchinson and surrounding communities to the hospital campus in that speed may, in some situations, save the life of a critically ill or injured patient.”

“Although there are already several entrances leading to the Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System campus, the 20th Street expansion will be a nice addition to the routes already in existence and act as a second main entrance,” Miller continued. “Based on usage for the first week, it is apparent the new street has gained quick acceptance and is already well traveled by visitors to the Healthcare System campus.”

Miller said Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System assumed all costs for the construction of the two block private drive. Sidewalks have been added to the area to accommodate pedestrian traffic.

Affiliates within Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System are Health-E-Quip, Horizons Mental Health Center, Hospice and Homecare of Reno County, Ray E. Dillon Living Center, Hutchinson Regional Medical Center and Hutchinson Regional Medical Foundation.


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