Histoplasmosis in Reno County


The Reno County Health Department has seen a few Histoplasmosis cases this year already, so they wanted to send out information about the infection and how to prevent it.

This is especially important due to the current season, where many individuals are landscaping and the weather is dry and windy.

What is histoplasmosis? Histoplasmosis is fungal infection that occurs when breathing in spores from a fungus called Histoplasma. This fungus is found in the environment, especially in soil that has a large amount of bird or bat droppings.

The CDC says most people who breathe in the spores don’t get sick, but those who do may have a fever, cough, and fatigue. Many people who get sick will get better on their own without medication. In some people, such as those who have weakened immune systems, the infection can become severe, especially if it spreads from the lungs to other organs.

Those most at risk, like people with weakened immune systems, those over 55 years of age and infants can protect themselves by the following steps.

1. Avoid certain activities. Avoid projects and activities that can expose you to it, such as cleaning barns or raising birds, especially if you’re at higher risk for disease.

2. Water down the area before you work. Before you dig into soil that can contain the fungus, soak it with water. This can help prevent the spores from being released into the air.

3. Wear a mask. Consider wearing a mask, such as an N95, while participating in high-risk activities.

Histoplasmosis can’t spread from the lungs of an infected person to anyone else.


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