Haven: Central Kansas Youth Entrepreneurship Competition Registration Deadline is Tomorrow


The Haven Economic Development Committee (EDC) is encouraging high school students to participate in the Central Kansas Youth Entrepreneurship Competition, where students from eligible E-Communities (Hodgeman, Pawnee, Reno, and Stafford counties) compete as individuals or teams to win cash prizes. Registration must be completed by Friday, January 29 at www.staffordecodevo.com/yec.html.

Registered students will be required to email an Executive Summary and Business Plan to [email protected] by Friday, February 12th at 5:00PM. The competition will be held Wednesday, March 2 at the Stafford County Courthouse Annex, 210 E. Third Street in St. John, KS. The Reno County winner will go to state.

Hutchinson SCORE and a Haven EDC representative will be available to advise students on Executive Summaries and Business Plans.

The Haven EDC has contacted school administrations, but at this point Reno County does not have anyone registered. E-Partners have paid $1000 to register participants from Reno County in the past.


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