Cunningham Third Graders Plant Bag Gardens


Michael Owen

County Extension Agent
K-State Research & Extension

If you happen to spot neon green bags on the west side of the Cunningham Elementary School by the playground, you aren’t imagining things. Mrs. Cindy Panek’s third grade class planted bag gardens last Friday.

Fourteen smiling faces happily planted lettuce, carrots, sugar snap peas, green onions, tomatoes and watermelons. Through the cooperation of the Kingman County Extension Office, local producer Duane Panek, who sponsored the composted soil, and Citizens Bank of Kansas, who sponsored the bags, the kids were able to freely plant their gardens. Special thanks goes out to these people for helping support our local kids and schools!

Bag garden are a form of raised bed garden and provide a unique, portable alternative for gardening. Raised bed gardening has proven useful when soil conditions, drainage issues exist. At the end of the school year, the kids will take their gardens home to continue to harvest out of them.

If you’d like more information on bag gardening or gardening in general, please feel free to contact Michael Owen at the Extension office at (620) 532-5131 or you may email him at [email protected]


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