The Devils Ditch Renegades have issued the following statement: Buffalo hunters, Longhunters, Skinners, Cowboys, Natives, Mountain men, Colonials and others of questionable dignity and integrity are herby invited and welcomed to join us on October 30th to November 1st for a weekend of pre- 1890 doin’s. Greenhorns and vistitors more than welcome.
- Campers bring your own water
- Firewood available
- Bring a fire ring or barrel
- Traders are encourage to attend
- No cartridge weapons
- Hawk & knife throw
- Primitive dress requested if you have it
- Tin cup rule appies
- Pet’s must be leashed at all times
Located at the Deweese Campground @ Cheney Lake (just across from the old Fred’s Bait Shop)
Contact Keith Thompson 620-960-4108 or Jim Ewertz 620-278-2935 if you have questions.