Buhler FFA Chapter Wins State Leadership Quiz Bowl


 Buhler FFA team members were recognized for placing first in the state in the State Leadership Quiz Bowl Career Development Event (CDE) at the opening ceremony of the 88th Kansas FFA State Convention, June 1, 2016, on the Kansas State University campus.

The Leadership Quiz Bowl gives members an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of FFA and its foundation. The team answering the most questions correctly, in front of a live audience, is determined as the winner.

Buhler FFA faced off against Girard FFA in the live contest in McCain Auditorium. Buhler won, and Girard placed second. Earlier in the day, Norton FFA came in third and Jayhawk Linn FFA placed fourth.

Competing on the winning Buhler FFA quiz bowl team were: Joshua Turner, Jacob Grinstead, Faith Finney, Katie Arpin, Winters Rees and Ambrosia Carlton.




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