Augusta residents to ride in Motorcycle Cannonball


Kelly Modlin and Bill Page are two of  three men from Kansas that qualified to ride in the Motorcycle Cannonball on, September 16. To qualify to ride in the Race of the Century riders have to have a 100-year-old motorcycle. Only 1916 and earlier cycles are allowed and only 100 riders are chosen to participate in the historic race. Modlin will be riding his 1914 Excelsior and Page will be riding his 1915 Harley Davison Model B . Riders will depart from Atlantic City NJ on Saturday, September 10 and will travel 3,400 miles across the US to San Diego, CA on Monday, September 26. The race will stop at the Twisted Oz Motorcycle Museum around 3 P.M. and will depart at 6:30 P.M.


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