Arlington: Free school supplies


First Call for Help of Reno County will provide free school supplies for ANY K-12 student in Reno County. There are no income requirements to be a part of this program. All you have to do is fill out and return one form (click here for the printable form). If you have more than one child, please write “See Back” at the bottom of the page and then include the name, social security number, and date of birth on the back of the form for any additional children.

By filling out and returning this form, you may pick up your child’s supplies at enrollment.This option will only be available for parents who pre-register by sending back the completed form to the elementary school office by July 17, 2015. You can scan and email the form to me at or fax it to FES at 620-596-2112. We will go pick up all the backpacks and school supplies for Pre-K through 12th grade. These will be available for you to pick up at enrollment on August 3 and 4, 2015. Hopefully, this will make it easier for you to be able to provide school supplies for your children. This program may not provide ALL of the items your child needs, but it will include many of the needed items.

The free supplies include: backpack, three ring binder, erasers, wooden pencils, glue or glue stick, scissors, colored pencils, box of Kleenex, highlighter, colored markers, 12 inch ruler, and crayons. For older students they will include spiral notebooks and a protractor/compass. Remember, you do not have to pay anything for these supplies. They are donated by numerous organizations in the Reno County community.


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