FHSU – Donors provide nearly $275,000 in scholarships for FHSU Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship students


Donors provide nearly $275,000 in scholarships for

FHSU Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship students



HAYS, Kan. – Thanks to nearly $275,000 in support from donors, 272 scholarships were awarded to Fort Hays State University business students for the 2020-2021 academic year.


The awards were announced at today’s W.R. and Yvonne Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship scholarship awards ceremony. The event is traditionally held in FHSU’s Memorial Union but took place in a virtual format this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual awards ceremony can be viewed at https://foundation.fhsu.edu/rcobe-scholarship-reception.


A congratulatory video from FHSU President Dr. Tisa Mason kicked off the event. She praised Robbins College students for their hard work, dedication and resilience that led them to receiving scholarship support. President Mason also provided a thank you to FHSU philanthropists for fueling the dreams of Fort Hays State University’s students.


Dr. Muhammad Chishty, dean of FHSU’s Robbins College, presented a sincere thank you to donors in his congratulatory video as well. “Without your generosity, none of this would have been possible. Your support has benefitted us tremendously,” Dr. Chishty said.


As co-chair of the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship Scholarship Committee, the annual awards ceremony is something that Cole Engel, associate professor of accounting, looks forward to every year.


“Serving as Master of Ceremonies and recognizing a significant number of students achieving excellence is an incredible honor,” Engel said. “While I am sad we could not celebrate the accomplishments of our students in person this year, I am so thankful our alumni and friends are supporting the scholarship program at a distance.”


“Now more than ever, the financial assistance and professional support provided by our partners allows our students to focus on academic success and career preparations as they enter their professions during what is likely the most challenging time of their lives,” Engel continued. “My warmest congratulations go out to the students, who are proof that good things come to those who are willing to sacrifice to reach a worthwhile goal. My most sincere gratitude goes to the donors, who continue to pay it forward and make this program an unbelievable success.”


John Egan, one of two recipients of the annual Robbins Ambassador Scholarship, said that “none of us would be here today without the generous support of our wonderful donors.”


“These individuals have given bountifully to the university to help us flourish in our studies,” said Egan, a senior finance major from Wichita. “We are tremendously grateful for the generosity of our donors and their willingness to help us succeed. Without their support, many of us would not be able to thrive inside and outside of the classroom. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”


Learn how to support students within FHSU’s Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship by contacting Jason Ball with the FHSU Foundation at 785-628-5620, [email protected] or by visiting https://foundation.fhsu.edu/about/#jason.


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