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Prairie Doc Perspective

Did you Get the Message?

We all know the feeling. You ate too much, and now your stomach is letting you know about it. Or maybe you ate some...

Grandmother’s Love Surpasses Back Pain

Back pain can be disabling, not only in terms of employment but also in terms of social connections. This point was never more clear...

The Healing Power of Art

Artists and medical personnel both know the importance of art. The famous nurse Florence Nightingale once said, “Variety of form and brilliancy of color...

Dear Moms, I See You

This has been an exhausting year for moms. Last spring, we had no idea we would still be dealing with this pandemic a year...

Delivering Health Care to the Patient

In the old days, country doctors often cared for folks by coming to the patient’s homes. These house calls brought great relief to people...

Strive to Prevent Falls

My grandmother was a lively, caring, wonderful woman, who remained very active late in her life. One spring day, after an unusual April blizzard,...

Addiction…Reality vs Mythology

Bacchus was a member of the Roman pantheon of gods. In ancient times he had a variety of attributes, but modern culture primarily remembers...

The Window to Your Health

Eyes are often called the “window to the soul”, but they can also be the “window to your health”. Most people know that it...

Listen to Your Gut

The patient knew something was wrong. After appointments with several specialists, multiple scans, and tests, she was given a diagnosis. Still, she felt certain...

Sometimes a Diagnosis is Skin Deep

Recently I saw a patient who had experienced two consecutive days of pain in his right upper abdomen. I questioned him, looking for clues...
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