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Tomato Cracking

Tomatoes often have problems with cracking caused by pressure inside the fruit that is more than the skin can handle. Cracks are usually on...

Stress to Trees and Shrubs is Cumulative 

Stress is cumulative. In other words, trees and shrubs can be affected by stresses that happened up to several years in the past.  Recent...

Tomato Leaf-Spot Diseases

Two common leaf-spot diseases will likely appear on tomato plants soon if they haven't already. Septoria leaf spot and early blight are both characterized...

Info Meeting Explores Volunteer Opportunities with The Extension Master Gardener Program

WICHITA –  If you love gardening, learning, sharing your knowledge with others, and volunteering in your community, the Sedgwick County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program may...

Companion Planting Tomatoes and Other Gardening Tips

This year, I am determined to have a good tomato crop. I’ve got plans to learn how to can my vegetables properly and make...

Morning Glory: Misunderstood and Under Appreciated

"Guilt by association," is an often-used phase to describe a situation where something is "guilty" because of its association or resemblance to something considered...

How Healthy is My Tree?

Determining the health of your trees is largely based on the amount of new growth each year. Observe the tips of the branches that...

Three Steps to Choosing Potting Media for Outdoor Use

            I have had several questions this spring on potting soils and how to choose the best potting media.  Dr. Cheryl Boyer, our Nursery...

Time to Fertilize Warm Season Grasses

Tne is the time to fertilize warm-season lawn grasses such as bermudagrass, buffalograss, and zoysiagrass. These species all thrive in warmer summer weather, so...

FRUIT – Thinning Excess Fruit  

Thinning fruit is beneficial to trees for multiple reasons. A heavy fruit crop one year can inhibit the fruit growth the following year and...
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