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Peppers from the Garden

Peppers from the garden can last for several weeks stored in the fridge especially if they are kept moist. They can also be frozen for longer...

Last Tomatoes of the Season

With October upon us and cooler evening temperatures, the tomato harvest is slowing down. Remaining tomatoes can be left on the vine to ripen...

Garden Spiders

Though some consider spiders to be unwelcomed, they are a valuable resource for pest control. The yellow garden spider is commonly found in our Kansas...

Ornamental Sweet Potatoes

Ornamental sweet potatoes are mostly valued for their attractive foliage as it drapes down the sides of containers and spreads over the ground within...

Vegetable Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is the recommended practice of changing the location of plants within the same family each growing season. Plants within the same family...

Hot temps may encourage homeowners to delay seeding lawns this year

K-State horticulture expert says waiting a couple weeks may help cool-season grasses. September is the best time to give cool-season grasses a boost in Kansas,...

Preparing the Vegetable Garden for Next Year   

Put in the work now for a productive garden next year. Before removing plants, make a sketch of the vegetable layout. This will come...

Power Raking and Core-Aeration  

September is the optimum time to power rake or core-aerate tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass lawns. These grasses should be coming out of their...

Overseeding a Lawn

Tall fescue lawns that have become thin over the summer can be thickened up by overseeding during September. Start by mowing the grass short...

Fall Lawn Seeding Tips

The keys to successful lawn seeding are proper rates, even dispersal, good seed to soil contact, and proper watering. Evenness is best achieved by...
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