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Kansas Wheat

Wheat Scoop: April 15 Update on Condition of Kansas Wheat Crop

The Kansas wheat crop is in relatively good shape for this time of year, but there are still a couple months until harvest, and...

Wheat Scoop: Wheat Foods Council tackles consumer questions in new video series

What do consumers want to know about wheat? The Wheat Foods Council is answering common questions in a new series of short videos featuring...

Wheat Scoop: Celebrate community with Bake and Take Month this March

A freshly-baked treat and a heartfelt note bring much-needed cheer to our friends, families and neighbors. Whether delivered safely in-person or through a ding-dong...

Wheat Scoop: Growing wheat like wine: Kansas producer experiments with farming practices to produce optimal flavor for his own table

Kansas wheat farmer Wade Bangerter is his own best customer. Each harvest, he scoops wheat by the bucketful out of the combine or wheat...

Wheat Scoop: Breaking bread with family this Easter?

Try these recipes and activities from EatWheat.org Bunnies, baskets and egg hunts are Easter traditions — but nothing is more important than the time spent...

Wheat Scoop: Kansas Farm Food Connection celebrates National Ag Day with a crate full of farm family fun

Each American farmer feeds more than 165 people — an incredible feat of continuous improvement — but consumers want to know more about the...

Wheat Scoop: Kansas farmers encouraged to enter the 2021 National Wheat Yield Contest

Wheat fields are greening up across Kansas — just in time for the 2021 National Wheat Yield Contest to open for grower enrollment. The...

Wheat Scoop: Women Managing the Farm Conference provides resources for agricultural decision-makers

From homesteading the Kansas prairie to developing new ways to market products to today’s consumers, women have played a critical role in the success...

Wheat Scoop: Linin shares Kansas Wheat Commission’s success with Kansas Legislature

Brian Linin, past chairman of the Kansas Wheat Commission, shared success stories related to exports, consumer outreach, research and more in testimony to the...

Wheat Scoop There and back again: David Frey shares four decades of worldwide wheat journey

A chance conversation would lead David Frey, a young broadcaster, to a career representing Kansas wheat farmers for more than forty years as one...
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