MANHATTAN, Kan. – K-State Research and Extension is offering these events, available to all interested persons. For more information about these, as well as...
LINCOLN, Neb. — Given agriculture's growing complexity and the importance of feeding an increasing global population, clear communication about the science of food production...
LINCOLN, Neb. — The $346 billion U.S. animal agriculture industry is already paying the price for an unstable climate with more frequent and extreme...
Saturday, October 18
All day
LWML Zone Rally
Work day at church
Sunday, October 19
Sunday School
Fellowship Time
Church Service
Monday, October 20
All day
Messenger Deadline
All day
Pastor's Day Off
By Ron Wilson, director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development at Kansas State University.
From bluegrass to tallgrass. No, I’m not talking...