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Kansas News

Roger’s view from the hills: Get out the vote

"YOU CAN'T DO IT UNLESS YOU CAN IMAGINE IT." George Lucas This may be where you may think I am jumping into the fray and...

Skinny pizza pinwheels recipe

Recipe featured on Fox 4 Kansas City Healthy Habits segment. Prepared by Susan Mills-Gray, Nutrition Specialist, University of Missouri Extension on September 7, 2014 For...

Everyone benefits from family meals

Adapted from articles written by Lynda Johnson & Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialists, University of Missouri Extension Following more than 10 years of...

Two is better than one

  2014 Fall Forestry Field Day focuses on dual-crop systems and stewardship.   MANHATTAN, Kan. -- Often times a conservation practice can look great on paper but...

Green fields

By John Schlageck, Kansas Farm Bureau This year Kansas has green fields, kissed by the sun. There are blue skies with white clouds high above....

UNL dedicates statues of former Secretaries of Agriculture

LINCOLN, Neb. — On a day when four former U.S. secretaries of agriculture from Nebraska were honored in bronze on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's...

Missed opportunities result in scoreless Jayhawk battle for Barton Soccer

Two extra periods still wasn't enough Saturday at the Cougar Soccer Complex as the Barton Community College and Johnson County Community College men's soccer...

The Covered Dish – Pork Chili

This week I am featuring a recipe that is bringing me a great deal of positive comments at work. Every time I present a recipe...

Simple tree

"Pickin' up Pawpaws"   You may know the song better than the tree or the fruit – "Pickin' up pawpaws, puttin' 'em in your pocket..." But...

Cold snap may have nipped Kansas sorghum, soybeans more than corn

September temperatures fall below 30-year average   MANHATTAN, Kan. – From time to time over the past few months it seemed like fall was trying to...
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