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Kansas News

Six land-grant universities launch animal ag industry climate change website

LINCOLN, Neb. — The $346 billion U.S. animal agriculture industry is already paying the price for an unstable climate with more frequent and extreme...

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Events

Saturday, October 18 All day  LWML Zone Rally 8:30am  Work day at church Sunday, October 19 9:00am  Sunday School 10:00am  Fellowship Time 10:30am  Church Service Monday, October 20 All day  Messenger Deadline All day  Pastor's Day Off

Prepare for health insurance open enrollment

Marketplace open enrollment for 2015 begins Nov. 15.   MANHATTAN, Kan. – If you haven’t already, it’s time for you and your family to review your...

Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural – Carl Reed – Tallgrass Express

By Ron Wilson, director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development at Kansas State University. From bluegrass to tallgrass. No, I’m not talking...

Work garden soil in the fall

Fall is the preferred time to prepare garden soil for next spring’s vegetable garden. Spring is often wet making it difficult to work soil...

Winter storage of summer bulbs

As winter approaches, we need to start thinking about storage of the bulbs that will not survive Kansas winters. The bulbs of gladiolus, caladium,...

Horticulture news

By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture I learned many things from my dad growing up.  How to plant potatoes, how to drive a stick...

Make time to body condition score cows

A K-State beef cattle specialist discusses using cow body condition scores now as a guide to managing the cow-calf herd into the fall and...

Why late lawn seedings often fail

We normally recommend that Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue be seeded in September but no later than October 15. Though plantings later than October...

A trifecta of water-planning tools

Fall is a good time for irrigators to plan future cropping systems, and K-State’s Mobile Irrigation Lab has a variety of online tools that...
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Digital Edition 09.18.24

It is a weed!

Cranberry Orange Cheese Ball

Tis’ the Season


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