ISSN: 1949-0372
Crop Values
2014 Summary
February 2015
States Included in the United States Marketing Year Average Price Estimates.............................. 6
Field and Miscellaneous Crops Price - United States:...
Ashley Gibbons, former MU Extension Dietetic Intern & Candance Gabel, MS, RD, LD, University of Missouri Extension
We live in a culture saturated with unrealistic...
LAWRENCE — While some companies think shaking up their top management team will limit complacency and improve firm performance, such as Honda’s replacement of...
By Ryan Flaming, County Extension Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources
Harvey County Livestock Association Spring Meeting
Area producers are invited to attend the Harvey County Livestock...
KAKE TV reports it could be several months before Benton has a post office again.
The current building is closed indefinitely because of several issues,...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23, 2015 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced $20 million is being made available to improve wildlife habitat and enhance public...
Joyce Cavanagh, Ph.D., former Consumer & Family Economics State Specialist, College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri Extension
Do you plan on saving a...