By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture
Leaves are falling! Put them in the compost bin and make compost!
Compost needs moisture to continue breaking down. ...
During the short days of winter, houseplant growth slows, resulting in a
need to change how we care for them. Although frequent watering may have
November 1 & 2, 2014
Botanica, The Wichita Gardens, Wichita, KS Beautiful floral displays for
American Orchid Society judging. Vendors with varieties of orchids not
commonly found...
Apply Late-Season Nitrogen Application in November November is the time to
give cool-season lawns the last nitrogen application of the season. Why
November? Because while top...
Fall is traditionally a time for cleaning up gardens. Normally, we recommend
clear-cutting dead stems to help control insect and disease problems. With
herbaceous perennials that...