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Why We Love Prairie

IN THE GARDEN for September 2015 by Justin Evertson, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum “The question is always asked by the curious travelers who have crossed the...

Dividing daylilies in your garden

Daylilies need to be divided every three to four years to maintain vigor. Though they may be divided in early spring before growth starts,...

Nebraska State Fair great fun for all

Visitors to the Nebraska State Fair -- Aug. 28 to Sept. 7 in Grand Island -- can view more than 10,000 4-H exhibits from...

Uninvited guests – crickets

Crickets subsist on a wide range of food sources. As generalist omnivores, they are opportunistic feeders deriving nourishment wherever on whatever is available including...

Harvesting winter squash

Summer squash such as zucchini and scallop are harvested while immature but winter squash such as acorn, hubbard and butternut are harvested later, in...

Trees losing bark and dying

Some trees such as sycamore, silver maple and redbuds naturally lose the outer layer of bark, especially during years of good growth.  This is...

Fall lawn seeding tips

By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture When we talk about seeding lawns in the fall we are talking about cool season grasses, like tall...

Kentucky bluegrass variety selection for cool-season lawns, great for northeastern Kansas

Though Kentucky bluegrass is not as heat and drought tolerant as tall fescue and the warm-season grasses, it is commonly used in northeastern Kansas,...

International Master Gardener Conference hosted by Nebraska Extension and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

This year the International Master Gardener Conference hosted by Nebraska Extension and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be held at the Mid-America...

Tomatoes and stinkbugs in my garden

I have seen more stinkbugs on my green tomatoes this year than I ever remember in the past.  Stinkbugs are the shield-shaped insects that...
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