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Home Economics

Importance of personal financial planning for college graduates (and others)

Adapted from MU Office for Financial Success Finance Tip of the Week blog post by Ryan H. Law, M.S., AFC, former Director of Office...

WaterSense: Making every drop count

Rebecca Blocker, MS, HHS, Housing and Environmental Design Specialist, University of Missouri Extension You can save water and energy, help the environment and keep money...

Every Homeowner Needs to Know the Difference Between Roundup & Roundup for Lawns

The other day after eating dinner I was watching TV trying to finally relax.  A commercial came on about Roundup for Lawns….  I thought...

Tax refund advice: Save some, spend some

Linda Geist, Writer, University of Missouri Extension Income tax refunds are ready to roll out. Uncle Sam sends Missourians an average income tax refund of...

Use spring cleaning to air out your finances

Andrew Zumwalt, M.S., Assistant Extension Professor & Associate State Specialist, Personal Financial Planning, University of Missouri Extension Many people engage in spring cleaning to clean...

Budgeting Basics

Money is a part of our life every day. Do you have control over how you spend money? Can you live within your income...

When purchasing a new washer, consider high efficiency

Marsha Alexander, former Housing and Environmental Design Specialist, University of Missouri Extension Are you planning to buy a new washing machine soon? If you are,...

Jump-start your savings

America Saves Week is February 27–March 4 Story source: Brenda Procter, M.S., Associate Extension Professor, Personal Financial Planning, University of Missouri Extension; Written by: Debbie...

File a tax return even if you don’t have to

Linda Geist, Writer, Extension Communications; Story source: Andrew Zumwalt, Assistant Extension Professor & Associate State Specialist, University of Missouri Extension University of Missouri Extension personal...

How to improve financial health

Many consider the new year as a chance for renewal, giving us a fresh outlook. Often we are conscious of our physical health and...
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