(Family Features) Game night, girls’ night or family reunion – your home serves as the backdrop for many occasions. Preparing your space for friends...
Wichita, Kan. – October 10, 2014 – October is nationally recognized as Bullying Prevention Month. As the Prevent Child Abuse Kansas Chapter, this month...
Sherry F. Nelson, LCSW, Human Development Specialist, Marion County, University of Missouri Extension
Each year more than 4,000 Americans lose their life to fire and...
It?s almost apple season! Research at Cornell University has brought forth two new apple varieties. They are called SnapDragon and RubyFrost. The SnapDragon apple...
This past summer I wrote a simple recipe for candied jalapenos, alias ‘cowboy
candy’. They were extremely popular. Each time I demonstrated the recipe I
(Family Features) The highlight of many a holiday meal, desserts are adored by young and old alike. This year, complete your festive celebration with...