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“The Seven Warning Signs of Cancer”

Recently I was working with my son’s scout troop to help them achieve the personal fitness merit badge. This merit badge has many requirements...

“Let’s Get Moving!”

As we start the New Year, many people are making resolutions and setting goals for the next 12 months. One of the most common...

“Save and Preserve through movement”

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being while movement and methodical physical exercise saves and preserves it”. Plato said that...

“FDA Approval”

Most of my family dreads the thought of going to a museum with me. It really doesn’t matter what the museum is, or how...

“Plastic Surgery: Transforming Lives Inside and Out”

When many people hear the term plastic surgery images of Hollywood stars trying to fight back the effects of aging come to mind. It...

“Anatomical Variations: Connecting Research & Patient Care”

The human body is composed of a typical pattern of anatomy, yet every structure varies in form from person to person. For example, humans...

“Doctor Chekhov, Physician & Writer”

Literature classes worldwide study Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), a great innovator of the short story. He wrote closely observed and deeply empathic slices-of-life with a...

“Protecting Children from Online Harms”

With the rapid rise in internet use among children, the dangers of online exploitation have grown alarmingly. Children’s access to the internet has become...

“Listen up and keep your hearing”

Hearing loss affects millions of Americans. In fact, by age 75 over half of adults will have some form of hearing loss.   Signs of hearing...

“HPV causes cancer, and can be prevented”

What do warts, pap smears, cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, and a vaccine all have in common? Three letters: HPV Human papillomavirus ( HPV)...
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