Wichita Homeschool earned the Founders Award for Creative Design presented by Textron Aviation and the Software Design and Simulation Award at the 18th annual...
Disney’s Mary Poppins will be performed by the Christian Youth Theater (CYT) at Isely Elementary School, 5256 N. Woodlawn, Bel Aire, November 3-5. Show...
Ulrich Museum of Art is hosting a community celebration and block party celebrating the return of the iconic mural, Miró mosaic, Personnages Oiseaux (Bird...
Sedgwick County K-State Research and Extension is offering an Advanced Food Gardening Series online class. The series is designed to increase the food gardening skill...
Heartspring’s 2nd annual Light Your Heart with Heartspring fundraising gala will be held on 6 P.M. Saturday, November 5. The Festivities will take place...