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Nickerson: Jeffery Mitchell arrested for possession of stolen property

Jeffery Mitchell was arrested on August 7th in Nickerson for Possession of a stolen vehicle.   Police report that the vehicle was stolen from Wichita.

Nickerson: Clifford McCallister involved in crash

An 89-year old Nickerson man was taken to Hutchinson Regional Medical center after a crash early Friday afternoon on 30th Avenue in Hutchinson. The...

Nickerson: Klear Nearly Days Parade offering cash prizes

The Klear Nearly Days Parade begins at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 25. But to enter the parade, entries must first register at the grade...

Nickerson: Klear Nearly Days talent show

Klear Nearly Days is bringing back the talent show this year. It will be in the park Friday, July 24th at 7:00 p.m. All...

Nickerson Dump Closed

Nickerson: Due to citizens misusing the city leaf/brush site west of Nickerson, the dump is closed.  Persons wishing to take limbs or lawn clippings now...

Nickerson TALK discussions

Nickerson Public Library is considering making a change to their TALK discussions and is seeking public input.  One suggested change is to pick 4...

Nickerson Public Library story times coming to an end

Nickerson Public Library only has two more story times before they take a break for summer reading. May is planning, decorating, and preparing month...

Nickerson Alumni Association

Nickerson: The 54th annual meeting of the Alumni Association will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2015, at Nickerson High School.  Scheduled events are...

Nickerson High competes in State Future Business Leaders of America Contest

Fourteen FBLA members from Nickerson High School attended the State Future Business Leaders of America Contest in Topeka on March 24 and 25.  The...

Nickerson Easter egg hunt will be April 4

There will be an Easter egg hunt for children 12 and younger at 10 a.m. April 4 at Nickerson City Park, Burr and Avenue...
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