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Newton: “Calm & Chaos” opens Saturday, March 12

Abstract paintings by Eric Carbrey and metal sculptures by Ralph Wickstrom are the featured art in "Calm & Chaos," the new exhibit opening Saturday, March 12,...

Newton: Herbicide Update Meeting

On Thursday, March 17, I am having a Herbicide Update meeting at the community room (lower level) at the Harvey County Courthouse, 800 N...

The 2016 Harvey County Home & Garden show is coming

The K-State Research and Extension Harvey County and Harvey County Master Gardeners have been hard at work planning the show this year. The theme...

Newton: Susan Jackson’s Final Column

Twenty years ago, I walked into the Harvey County Extension Office with hope, excitement and butterflies in my stomach.  It was a new experience...

Newton: Big Rural Brainstorm will be March 7

The Big Rural Brainstorm, an event where Kansans can talk about ways to sustain and grow communities, will be held March 7 at the...

Newton: McGonigal attends Kansas-IDeA Symposium

Robin McGonigal is a senior chemistry major  at Emporia State recently attended the 14th annual Symposium of the Kansas-IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence January...

Newton: Civil War Letters Home

The Harvey County Historical Museum will present Civil War Letters Home on February 21 at 2:00PM. Admission $5 for non-members; free for members. For...

Newton: Lanners receives Newton County’s highest honor

The R.O. Arnold Award, considered Newton County’s highest honor, was presented to Buncie Hay Lanners, director of the Arts Association in Newton County, at...

Newton: City receives $400,000 grant

The City of Newton received a $400,000 grant from the Kansas Housing Resources Commission for a multi-family housing development at Southeast 24th and I-135...

Harvey County Tractor Safety class

Harvey County will not be offering the Tractor Safety class this year.  But Sedgwick County Extension is offering a class this year, so  if...
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