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Mulvane: Just BeCuz Trunk Show

Mulvane Friends of the Library is hosting a Trunk Show Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Mulvane Public Library, 101 E. Main....

Mulvane: “Open For Business” will be on Saturday September 26

The Economic Development effort in Downtown Mulvane is hosting an event “Open For Business,” on Saturday September 26.  Activities will begin at 10:00a.m., and...

Mulvane: 142nd-annual Old Settlers Days Aug 14-16

The celebration will take place Aug 14-16. Events include a road race, rodeo, carnival, arts and crafts, the Little Miss Pioneer pageant and turtle...

Mulvane Art Museum: Local Children’s Art on Display

Last week at the Mulvane Art Museum, children, ages 4 through 6, explored the many ways that pictures tell stories. In one project, the...

Mulvane: Andy Mackey takes steer wrestling event in Hardtner

Andy Mackey of Mulvan posted a score of 4.7 to beat out 22 other contestants in the Steer Wrestling Event at Hardtner, KS Rodeo...

Mulvane: 142nd-annual Old Settlers Days

The 142nd-annual Old Settlers Days will be Aug. 14-Aug 16. The event features a rodeo, carnival, arts and crafts, a parade and the Little...

Mulvane: City Council waives $3,000 of $6,000 fee

City Council members unanimously agreed to waive half of the fireworks permit fee for the Mulvane LEOs Club during their June 2 meeting. The...

Mobile Immunization Clinic in Mulvane on August 13

The Sedgwick County Health Department Mobile Immunization Clinic will be held at the First Baptist church at 1020 N. 2nd St.  On the second Thursday...

Luciano’s in Downtown Mulvane to host Cork & Canvas

On July 22, 7pm-9pm Luciano’s in Downtown Mulvane will  host Cork & Canvas.  $35 per person and only 15 seats are available.  To register...

Mulvane telecommunications ordinance passes

Mulvane City Council unanimously approved an Ordinance for franchise telecommunications at the City Council meeting on May 18.  The ordinance grants   Zayo Group, LLC...
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