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Marquette United Methodist Church Pit Roasted Beef Barbecue Event

Wednesday, September 21st Marquette United Methodist Church 55th Annual Pit Roasted Beef Barbecue- 5:00-8:00 p.m.  at Marquette United Methodist Church, 404 W. Second in...

United Methodist Church Starting New Mustard Seed Learning Center

The United Methodist Church is starting a new ministry, Mustard Seed Learning Center. The Center is offering to Marquette and the surrounding communities an...

Kanopolis Lake Waterfowl Blind Permit Drawing Scheduled

The Annual waterfowl blind permit drawing by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Kanopolis lake will be held at 1:30 P.M. Saturday, September...

Wild Horse Ministries event

Paul Daily Relates Horse Training with God- 7:00 P.M. August 13 at McPherson Saddle Club Arena.  Come listen to Wild Horse Ministries relate horse...

McPherson County Emergency Management will present proper preparedness for various emergency situations

Jill Brunsell, McPherson County Emergency Management, will present a 30-minute presentation on emergency properness for various emergencies including weather 1:30 P.M. August 25. The...

Marquette: Senior Resource Fair on June 24

Bethany Home and the Lindsborg Senior Center will host a free Senior Resource Fair June 24 from 9:00AM-4:00PM at the J.O. Sundstrom Conference Center....

Marquette: Thunder on the Smoky Rally

Marquette May 21 at 9:00AM is slated for the 12th annual Thunder on the Smoky Rally. A Biker Breakfast at the American Legion will start...

Marquette: Horse Council Ride Approaches

Kansas Horse Council is holding a ride across the sandstone bluffs and canyons of Kanopolis Lake on April 30 to May 1, 2016. The...

Marquette: Biscuit and Gravy Breakfast at Senior Center

Sunday, April 17th is the Biscuit and Gravy Breakfast event at  Marquette Senior Center, 102 N. Washington in Marquette. Breakfast runs from 7:00-11:00 a.m..  Free...

Marquette Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Marquette's  Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be  Saturday, March 26th for 2016. Festivities begin at 10:00 a.m.. Eggs will be distributed in front of the...
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